Chalet des Sangliers catered booking form
Under French law this registration form must be completed pursuant the article R. 611-42 of Code of Entry and Stay of Aliens and of the Right of Asylum.
Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Your telephone number (required)
Your Address (required)
Your passport number and date of birth (required)
Your nationality and place of birth (required)
Date of arrival (required)
Date of departure (required)
The names (and ages if under 18) of all members of your group
Where did you hear about us?
Dietary/Special Requirements We may be able to cater for some simple food intolerances but allergies, gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, halal, kosher and vegan are not possible. Please check your dietary requirements with us before booking.
Your estimated time of arrival (please note check in available from 16:00 & dinner is served at 19:30)
Your estimated time of departure (please note latest checkout by 10:00am)
Do you require parking spaces? (Maximum of 3 cars)
How would you like the bedrooms configured? Please ensure this is completed correctly as the beds are made up ready for your arrival. A floor-plan of the chalet is available on the welcome page of our website.
Bedroom 1 (1st floor, largest room) Please select bedsNot required1 x Single bed2 x Single beds1 x Super-king double bed Bedroom 2 (1st floor, smallest room) Please select bedsNot required1 x Single bed2 x Single beds1 x Superking double bed Bedroom 3 (2nd floor, mid sized room) Please select bedsNot required1 x Single bed2 x Single beds1 x Superking double bed Bedroom 4 (2nd floor, family room with bath, shares bathroom with bedroom 5) Please select bedsNot required1 x Single bed2 x Single beds1 x Super-king double bed Bedroom 5 (2nd floor, family room, shares bathroom with bedroom 4) Please select bedsNot required1 x Narrow single bed2 x Narrow single beds1 x King-size double bed
By ticking this checkbox you confirm to having read and agreed to our terms and conditions
Please remember that we collect taxe de sejour (tourism tax) on behalf of the local town hall at €0.50 per adult per night in cash (this rate is subject to change, new rates are published by the town hall in January)